Instant anytime, anywhere, and accurate purchase inwards
Streamline your purchase inwards with automated purchase order reconciliation and ensure every entry is recorded right. Scan for accurate inwards at the actual arrival location of goods, approve the inwards from anywhere and complete the purchase process with 50% lesser staffs. Also, ensure your products reach the rack faster without any discrepancy to have uninterrupted sales.
Make your picking process easy, error-free and hassle free
Pick all your omnichannel orders with scanning, for super-fast and accurate deliveries every time. Free-up your supervisors with automated order processing, checking live order status updates from anywhere.
Knock out stock-outs. Fill your rack with cash!
Never lose a sale due to stock out. Ensure 100% product availability to your customers with Gofrugal's StockRefill. Your staff get notified immediately when a stock reaches minimum so that they can quickly refill by carrying optimum inventory in racks. We will ensure a full rack and a filled cash register!