Key Features Of Multiple Store Management Software
- Supports multiple distribution center to service an outlet ordered based on cost of servicing.
- Configure business process & transaction to suit your business needs such as control item scanned, item discounts, bill discounts, price levels, rate selection, stock selection, salesman selection at the time of bill, customer details selection, etc.
- Control varied activities from the HO such as promotions & schemes, up selling & cross selling, loyalty redemption, etc. They can be operated in select stores, group of stores or in all stores based on business needs.
- Add tender types & configure the way the tender has to be accounted and processed at the POS from the central location. For each tender, you can specify rules like whether amount greater than bill amount can be accepted, whether service charges are applicable, whether denomination details are required or not etc.
- It will generate reports for managing coupon, credit cards and other payments due from third parties.